Roofing Division

A Few Reasons Why Our Roofing Options Are Right For You

Attic Ventilation

Attic ventilation is important to any home improvement or attic remodeling project. Without proper attention to ventilation in the attic, it will not only run hotter but also be prone to moisture, which can damage your roofing materials and cause mold growth.

Layered Roof Deck Protection

Your roof is your first defense in protecting your home against severe weather like wind-driven rain, hailstorms, ice dams and snow. Roof shingles are often the only waterproof barrier between your house and Mother Nature’s force.

Starter Strip and Ridge Cap Shingles

Improve the value of your home by installing starter strips and ridge cap shingles. Starter strip shingles save you time as well as money. Starter strips fit behind the foundation and into each gable end when layering roofing materials.

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